班超集团产业 Banchao group industry
Magnesium based new materials circular economy integration industry
Integrate resources, share the economy, and build an integrated resource recycling industry chain
哈密市新星房地产开发有限公司 Hami Xinxing Real Estate Development Co., LTD.




Hami Xinxing Real Estate Development Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") was established on September, 2020, with its legal representative Zhang Tao, registered capital of 10 million yuan and 30 employees. The company is located in Huangtian Farm, Yizhou District, Hami City, Xinjiang, and mainly engaged in real estate development and sales.

In 2021, the company will invest 86 million yuan to develop the "New Star Science and Innovation Industrial Park Construction project". This project is the thirteenth Division of Xinjiang Construction Corps New Star Science and Innovation Industrial Park project, the base is located in the core area of the city, the west of the four halls. The east side is close to the city main road Wenhui Road, the south side is close to the city main road Five Star Avenue, and the north and west side are planned roads, with a total land area of 15892.99 square meters.

The main construction contents of this project include industrial office and commercial, with a total construction area of 22671.59 square meters, including: The total capacity building area is 19,071.59 square meters, the basement does not include the capacity area of 3,315 square meters, the green land rate is 25%, the floor area ratio is 1.2, and the building density is 33.8%. The project planning adopts U-shaped layout, with a total of five floors. The bottom and second floors are commercial functions, and the third to fifth floors are industrial offices.

企业优势 Enterprise advantage
品牌知名度 Brand awareness
地址位置优势 Address location advantage
产品创新和差异化 Product innovation and differentiation
适应政策调控 Adaptive policy control
优质的售后服务 Excellent after-sales service
作品展示 Work display