班超集团 Banchao Group
班超集团是以金属镁冶炼为基础, 以镁基产业多元化发展为方向的现代型实业集团,集团始创于2016年,注册资金 1 亿元,地址位于新疆哈密市二道湖工业园区,现有员工千 余人。班超集团坚持改革创新,打造开放包容的业务生态, 明确了打造绿色低碳循环利用的 镁基产业集群的战略定位,促进产业向“集群化 、精细化 、高端化 ”发展,构建镁基产业协同的高质量发展体系。
历经多年的发展, 目前集团旗下控股持股运营的企业包括: 哈密市盛镁镁业有限公司 、 新疆班超镁业有限公司 、新疆班超供应链有限公司 、新疆班超新材料有限公司 、新疆班超新 能源有限公司 、哈密屹利煤化工有限公司 、哈密红山能源有限公司 、新疆盛邦能源有限公司 、新疆班超铸造有限公司 、新疆班超镁合金有限公司等 。
Banchao Group is a modern industrial group based on magnesium smelting and diversified development of magnesium-based industries. Founded in 2016 with a registered capital of 100 million yuan, the group is located in Erdao Lake Industrial Park, Hami City, Xinjiang Province, with more than 1,000 employees. Banchao Group adheres to reform and innovation, builds an open and inclusive business ecology, defines the strategic positioning of building a green, low-carbon and recycling magnesium-based industrial cluster, promotes the development of the industry to "cluster, fine and high-end", and builds a high-quality development system of synergistic magnesium-based industries. After years of development, at present, the Group's holding enterprises include: Hami Shengmei Magnesium Industry Co., LTD., Xinjiang Banchao Magnesium Industry Co., LTD., Xinjiang Banchao Supply Chain Co., LTD., Xinjiang Banchao New Materials Co., LTD., Xinjiang Banchao New Energy Co., LTD., Hami Yili Coal Chemical Co., LTD., Hami Hongshan Energy Co., LTD., Xinjiang Shengbang Energy Co., LTD., Xinjiang Banchao Casting Co., LTD., Xinjiang Banchao Magnesium Alloy Co., LTD., etc.
产能规模 Production capacity scale
包含年产 5 万吨金属镁项目 、15 万吨高端镁合金项目 、120 万吨洁净碳项目 、100 万吨焦炭项目 、750 兆瓦风电项目 、250 兆瓦光电项目等 It includes an annual output of 50,000 tons of magnesium metal project, 150,000 tons of high-end magnesium alloy project, 1.2 million tons of clean carbon project, 1 million tons of coke project, 750 megawatts of wind power project, 250 megawatts of photoelectric project, etc.
产品类目 Product category
镁锭 、镁合金 、洁净炭 、煤焦油 、焦炭 、煤炭 、氢能 、LNG 、CNG.0提供强大而可靠的扩展能力 Magnesium ingot, magnesium alloy, clean carbon, coal tar, coke, coal, hydrogen energy, LNG, CNG.0 to provide strong and reliable expansion capabilities
产品用途 Product use
镁锭主要用于生产镁合金 、及金属铝冶炼等镁合金主要用于航空航天 、汽车产品制造 、3C 电子产品等 Magnesium ingot is mainly used in the production of magnesium alloy, and metal aluminum smelting magnesium alloy is mainly used in aerospace, automotive product manufacturing, 3C electronic products and so on.
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发展历程 Development course
2016年 2016years
2016年 2016years
哈密市盛镁镁业有限公司成立,作为班超集团的肇始企业,盛镁镁业现已发展成为班超集团旗下重要的控股企业,年产值10亿元以上。 Hami Shengmei Magnesium Industry Co., Ltd. was established. As the initiator of the Group, Shengmei Magnesium Industry has now developed into an important holding enterprise under the Group, with an annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan.
2017年 2017years
2017年 2017years
盛镁镁业获得镁冶金炉和镁冶炼方法等多项发明专利,为公司在镁业的发展打下坚实的基础。 Shengmei Magnesium industry obtained a number of invention patents such as magnesium metallurgy furnace and magnesium smelting method, which laid a solid foundation for the development of the company in the magnesium industry.
2018年 2018years
2018年 2018years
盛镁镁业设立研发中心,投入大量研发费用、招聘科技人才,全力打造一流的金属镁循环经济型企业,探索和发展综合循环利用发展模式,达到环境保护与废气、废物再利用的双发展。 Shengmagnesia has set up a research and development center, invested a lot of research and development expenses, recruited scientific and technological talents, and made every effort to build a first-class metal magnesium recycling economy enterprise, explore and develop a comprehensive recycling development model, and achieve the dual development of environmental protection and waste gas and waste reuse.
2019年 2019years
2019年 2019years
公司的镁业产品获得信发集团、东方希望铝业、广银铝业等国内知名企业的认可,部分产品远销欧美发达国家,逐步打开国内外主流市场。 The company's magnesium products have been recognized by well-known domestic enterprises such as Xinfa Group, Oriental Hope Aluminum, Guangyin Aluminum, etc. Some products are exported to developed countries in Europe and the United States, and gradually open the mainstream market at home and abroad.
2020年 2020years
2020年 2020years
班超集团旗下的哈密市新星房地产开发有限公司成立,其开发的“新星科创产业园建设项目”,已成为新疆生产建设兵团十三师新星市的科创产业核心园区。 Hami Xinxing Real Estate Development Co., LTD., a subsidiary of Ban Chao Group, was established, and the "Xinxing Science and Innovation Industrial Park Construction Project" developed by it has become the core science and innovation industrial park of Xinxing City, 13th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.
2021年 2021years
2021年 2021years
班超集团旗下的新疆班超酒厂有限公司成立,复活了创始自1963的酒业品牌-“班超”。借助“班超”品牌的影响力和哈密厚重的历史文化,完美打造班超集团的企业文化内涵。 Xinjiang Banchao Distillery Co., LTD., a subsidiary of Banchao Group, was established, reviving the wine brand "Banchao", which was founded in 1963. With the influence of "Ban Chao" brand and Hami's thick history and culture, we can perfectly create the corporate culture connotation of Ban Chao Group.
2022年 2022years
2022年 2022years
新疆班超镁业有限公司注册成立,目前是新疆仅有的两家金属镁生产企业之一,同盛镁镁业一道,构成班超集团公司在镁业的腾飞双翼。 Xinjiang Ban super Magnesium Industry Co., Ltd. was registered, is currently one of the only two magnesium metal production enterprises in Xinjiang, together with Sheng magnesium magnesium industry, constitutes the take-off wings of Ban Chao Group company in the magnesium industry.
2023年 2023years
2023年 2023years
新疆班超集团有限责任公司正式注册成立,统领和协调集团旗下各个板块的业务发展,并通过政府“十四五”期间的项目审批立项,开始了为期5年、计划总投资额112亿元的镁基产业高质量发展循环利用产业园建设。 Xinjiang Banchao Group Co., Ltd. was formally registered and established to lead and coordinate the business development of various sectors of the group, and through the project approval of the government during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, began the construction of a five-year, planned total investment of 11.2 billion yuan of magnesium based industry high-quality development recycling industrial park.
合作商家 Cooperative merchant
厂区生产实力 Plant production capacity
企业文化 Plant production strength
企业愿景 Corporate vision
成为值得信赖并受尊重的企业 To be a trusted and respected company
企业愿景 Corporate vision
成为值得信赖并受尊重的企业 To be a trusted and respected company
企业使命 Corporate Mission
为客户提供超乎预期的服务 To provide customers with service beyond expectations
企业使命 Corporate Mission
为客户提供超乎预期的服务 To provide customers with service beyond expectations