班超研发中心 Ban Chao Research and development Center
计划,并对技术中心的工作绩效进行评估。主要围绕镁冶炼新技术、镁基新材料研究,聚焦其关键科学问题,推动科研、应用、市场协调发展,打造创新驱动新引擎,贯彻“基础-应用-产业化”的研发模式,以源头创新推动新技术、新材料的成果转化。同时,坚持以“科技引领未来 创新驱动发展”为导向,打造一流金属镁企业,奉献低碳能源新生活。
The R & D center is the leading organization of the company's R & D management. According to the company's strategy and medium - and long-term planning, it is responsible for researching and discussing the major issues of the company's science and technology R & D construction, putting forward preliminary opinions or suggestions, and providing decision-making basis to the company's general manager. The general manager of the technical center is the director of the center, equipped with strong ability and high quality assistants and technical R & D personnel of different research directions and different age levels. The Center has set up a technical committee composed of R&D, production, purchase and marketing, finance and other departments, which is responsible for making decisions on major issues such as research and development direction, key projects and budget, formulating annual
plans, and evaluating the work performance of the center. It mainly focuses on the research of new magnesium smelting technology and magnesium based new materials, focuses on its key scientific issues, promotes the coordinated development of scientific research, application and market, creates a new engine driven by innovation, implements the research and development model of "basic - application - industrialization", and promotes the achievement transformation of new technologies and new materials with source innovation. At the same time, adhere to the "science and technology to lead the future innovation driven development" as the guidance, to create a first-class metal magnesium enterprise, dedication to low-carbon energy new life.
高新技术企业 High-tech enterprise
入围2023年度兵团创新创业大赛决赛-奖牌 Finalist in 2023 Annual Corps Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition - Medal
创新型中小企业-奖牌 Innovative smes - Medal
自治区企业技术中心-奖牌 Autonomous Region Enterprise Technology Center - Medal
科技型中小企业奖牌 Science and technology SME medal
专精特新中小企业-奖牌 Specialized special new SME - Medal
专家引领 Ban Chao Research and development Center
与西安建筑科技大学共建镁工程技术研究中心、西安建筑科技大学实习就业基地、西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院中试基地,“一中心两基地”的建设,进一步推进了校企合作,为高质量发展贡献力量。 With Xi 'an University of Architecture and Science and Technology to build a magnesium engineering technology research center, Xi 'an University of Architecture and Science and Technology internship and employment base, Xi 'an University of Architecture and Science and Technology School of Metallurgical Engineering pilot base, the construction of "one center and two bases", further promote the school-enterprise cooperation, to contribute to high-quality development.
李林波,男,博士,教授,现任西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院 院长,中国有色金属学会环境保护学术委员会委员;全国安全生产标准化技术委员会第一届冶金有色安全分技术委员会;陕西省金属学会理事;陕西省有色金属学会冶炼分会主任。主要从事冶金新工艺及理论研究、工业固废资源的无害化和资源化、有色冶炼工艺的清洁生产技术开发等方面研究。
主持完成省部级项目3项,厅局级项目3项,主持校企合作项目15项,参与“863”项目、 “国家科技支撑计划”项目各1项,获得“中国有色金属工业协会科技进步一等奖”1项,中国产学研合作促进会“中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖”1项。复杂矿物中多金属矿物短流程提取项目产业化2项。
以第一或通讯作者身份在Chem. Eng. J.、Carbon、J. Magnes. Alloy.、Mater. Sci. Eng. A、J. Alloy. Compd.等国内外期刊上发表学术论文50余篇,相关成果被Prog. Mater. Sci.、ACS Nano等知名期刊广泛报导,已授权国家专利20余项,作为负责人承担了国家科技支撑计划子课题专题、国家自然科学基金及陕西省国际合作重点项目等。与航天风华、一汽、玉柴等单位开展联合攻关,成功制备出一系列高质量的镁合金产品,满足了国家的重大战略需求。
主持省部级科研项目4项,以第一作者或者通讯作者身份在Small、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、 ACS Applied Materials & Interface、Nano Research、Chemistry-A European Journal、Electrochimica Acta、Energy、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science、中国科学等期刊上发表论文20余篇。
Li Linbo
Li Linbo, male, Doctor, professor, Dean of the School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology, member of the Academic Committee of Environmental Protection of Chinese Society of Non-Ferrous Metals; The first Metallurgical Nonferrous Metal Safety Sub-Technical Committee of the National Technical Committee for Work Safety Standardization; Director of Shaanxi Provincial Metal Society; Director of Smelting branch of Shaanxi Nonferrous Metals Society. He is mainly engaged in the research of new metallurgical technology and theory, the harmless and resource utilization of industrial solid waste resources, and the development of clean production technology of non-ferrous smelting process.
Li Linbo presided over and participated in 6 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, 863 research, the National 973 program research project, the national science and technology support plan, Shaanxi Province industrial key research projects, Shaanxi Province Education Department special scientific research projects, Yulin City science and technology plan projects and more than 20 projects, presided over and participated in the completion of more than 40 enterprise horizontal projects. He won the second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Shaanxi Province and the second prize of science and Technology award of Shaanxi Education Department. He has published more than 60 academic papers, authorized 10 invention patents, and published 5 works and teaching materials. Some research achievements have been formed in such aspects.
Ma Hongzhou
(Associate Professor)
Ma Hongzhou, male, born in 1973, Ph. D., Associate professor, graduated from Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology. He worked in Baoti Group Co., LTD., then in School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology, mainly engaged in teaching and research related to nonferrous metals metallurgy. He is mainly engaged in the research on the development of efficient extraction technology of complex polymetallic mineral resources and the high-value utilization of metallurgical waste residue and wastewater. The vacuum metallurgy technology is applied to the resource utilization of minerals and solid waste containing a variety of non-ferrous metals, and large-scale industrial production is realized. He has published more than 50 scientific and technological papers, edited 4 teaching materials, and authorized 13 invention patents.
Ma Hongzhou presided over the completion of 3 provincial and ministerial level projects, 3 department level projects, presided over 15 school-enterprise cooperation projects, participated in the "863" project, "National Science and Technology support Plan" project, won the "China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association Science and Technology Progress Award" 1, China industry-university-research cooperation Promotion Association "China Industry-University-research cooperation Innovation Achievement Award" 1. In complex minerals, polymetallic minerals short process extraction project industrialization 2.
Tong Libo
Male, born in 1982, Tieling, Liaoning Province, Professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Material Processing, School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology, winner of 2021 Shaanxi High-level Talent Project, National Natural Science Foundation communication review expert, standing member of National Magnesium Alloy Youth Academic Committee, core member of Shaanxi Province "Three Qin Scholars" innovation team. His research focuses on design and development of high performance Mg-Zn-Ca alloy, design of rare earth magnesium alloy and surface protective coating.
Tong Libo is the first or corresponding author of Chem.Eng.J., Carbon, J. Magnes. Alloy., Mater. Sci.Eng.A, J. Alloy. Compd. He has published more than 50 academic papers in domestic and foreign journals, and the related achievements have been widely reported by well-known journals such as Prog. Mater. Sci., ACS Nano, etc. He has authorized more than 20 national patents. As the person in charge, he has undertaken sub-topics of National Science and Technology Support Plan, National Natural Science Foundation and key international cooperation projects of Shaanxi Province, etc. It has carried out joint research with Aerospace Fenghua, FAW, Yuchai and other units, and successfully prepared a series of high-quality magnesium alloy products to meet the major strategic needs of the country.
Zhao Xiaojun
(Associate Professor)
Zhao Xiaojun, born in 1984, PhD candidate, Associate Professor, currently working at the School of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology. His main research objects are the design, preparation, electrochemical energy storage and electrocatalysis of multi-scale nanomaterials, including the application research of lithium/sodium ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, supercapacitors, electrocatalytic water decomposition, etc.
Zhao Xiaojun presided over 4 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, As the first author or corresponding author in Small, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Nano Research, and Chemistry-A He has published more than 20 papers in European Journal, Electrochimica Acta, Energy, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Chinese Science and other journals.
Shi Ruimeng
(Associate Professor)
Shi Ruimeng, male, born in 1979, PhD candidate, associate professor, graduated from the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Chongqing University majoring in Metallurgical Engineering, and is currently an associate professor in Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology. He is mainly engaged in research on new processes and methods of iron and steel metallurgy, metallurgical thermodynamics, kinetics and electrochemistry, metallurgical environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of resources, energy saving and optimization of metallurgical process system, mathematical physical simulation and intelligent control of metallurgical process, metallurgical intelligence and big data analysis, etc.
Shi Ruimeng presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation project, 1 provincial and ministerial scientific research project, participated in 4 national projects as the main completion person, and presided over 1 key science and technology research and development project of large steel enterprises. He has published more than 30 research papers in key journals of metallurgy and related fields, and authorized more than 10 invention patents; Two monographs of teaching materials have been published.
产学研基地 Production, university and research bases
西安建筑科技大学 Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology
西安金属有色研究院 Xi 'an Nonferrous Metal Research Institute
专利成果 Patent achievement
一种便于有色金属筛选的装置 The invention relates to a device for facilitating non-ferrous metal screening
一种机械加工用板材表面除锈 The invention relates to rust removal on the surface of sheet metal for machining
一种化工设备安装用支撑结构 The invention relates to a supporting structure for the installation of chemical equipment
一种环保节能除尘设备 The invention relates to environmental protection and energy saving dust removal equipment
一种耐火材料生产用窑炉排气 The invention relates to kiln exhaust gas for refractory production
一种冶金工程余热回收装置 The utility model relates to a waste heat recovery device for metallurgical engineering
一种稳定性高的冶金容器倾翻 A metallurgical vessel with high stability tipped over
一种冶金用的冶炼炉 The invention relates to an smelting furnace for metallurgy
一种自动化全方位机械部件清 The invention relates to automatic all-around mechanical component cleaning
一种机械加工用具备防尘效果 The invention relates dustproof effect for mechanical processing
一种耐火材料生产用密炉排气 The utility model relates to close furnace exhaust gas for refractory production
一种金属锻造余热回收设备 The utility model relates to a waste heat recovery equipment for metal forging