班超集团举行升国旗仪式 | 献礼祖国74周年华诞 Banchao Group held the national flag raising ceremony | to present the 74th anniversary of the birthday of the motherland

2024-05-27 10:57 / 查看: view: 512

10月1日,在国庆佳节到来之际,公司在办公楼前举行了升旗仪式,献礼祖国74 周年华诞。公司总经理杜祥林及其他领导班子成员,部分在岗职工等40余人参加。


On October 1, before the arrival of the National Day holiday, the company held a flag-raising ceremony in front of the office building to present the 74th anniversary of the motherland. Du Xianglin, general manager of the company, and other members of the leadership team, some of the staff and other more than 40 people participated. "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves, build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall..."